Fetching Data Using Plone REST.API#

Now that we have an idea of how to create nodes, we can move on to retrieving data from a Plone site and creating nodes with that data.

All the data from a Plone site is available in the JSON format using the plone.restapi.

We will be working a lot with this API while working on the Gatsby source-plugin. It is recommended that you have an API browser to explore the API.

Install Postman, then go through the quick guide to working with plone.restapi.


We will use the same endpoints for loading the site in a browser, but set the header Accept: application/json. This header tells the endpoint to return JSON data in the response for us to process.

Exploring The Plone REST.API#

We will use https://6.demo.plone.org as our source Plone site, since it's already been configured with the plone.restapi and is all ready for our usage.

Let us start with the root itself. Send a GET request to https://6.demo.plone.org. This returns the JSON data for the root of the Plone site.

  "@components": {
      "breadcrumbs": {
          "@id": "https://6.demo.plone.org/@breadcrumbs"
      "navigation": {
          "@id": "https://6.demo.plone.org/@navigation"
      "workflow": {
          "@id": "https://6.demo.plone.org/@workflow"
  "@id": "https://6.demo.plone.org",
  "@type": "LRF",
  "UID": "7306e5d778be477f8b40bccaad1ecae7",
  "contributors": [],
  "created": "2018-10-13T13:25:31+00:00",
  "creators": [
  "description": "",
  "effective": null,
  "exclude_from_nav": true,
  "expires": null,
  "id": "en",
  "is_folderish": true,
  "items": [
          "@id": "https://6.demo.plone.org/media",
          "@type": "LIF",
          "description": "",
          "review_state": "published",
          "title": "Media"
          "@id": "https://6.demo.plone.org/frontpage",
          "@type": "Document",
          "description": "The ultimate Open Source Enterprise CMS",
          "review_state": "published",
          "title": "Welcome to Plone 5"
          "@id": "https://6.demo.plone.org/demo",
          "@type": "Folder",
          "description": "Vestibulum dignissim erat id eros mollis vitae tempus leo ultricies. Cras dapibus suscipit consectetur. Integer tincidunt feugiat tristique. Sed et arcu risus. Nam venenatis, tortor ac tincidunt amet.",
          "review_state": "published",
          "title": "Demo"
  "items_total": 3,
  "language": "en",
  "layout": "folder_listing",
  "modified": "2018-10-13T13:25:32+00:00",
  "parent": {
      "@id": "https://plonedemo.kitconcept.com",
      "@type": "Plone Site",
      "description": "",
      "title": ""
  "review_state": "published",
  "rights": "",
  "subjects": [],
  "title": "English",
  "version": "current"

Let us explore the items array from the response and click on https://6.demo.plone.org/frontpage. We see that it gives a similar response as we got for the root. This way all the content objects have equivalent JSON data which our plugin can process and use to create nodes.


Create a node for the Plone document at https://6.demo.plone.org/demo/a-page. Test the node created from the retrieved data by displaying some data in the index or any other page.

Hints: Use Postman to check the data from the endpoint. Refer to the previous section for creating nodes. The Axios library can be used for handling HTTP requests.


Make sure you send an asynchronous request with the Axios library with await. If not, the function will finish execution before the data is even retrieved and pass it as undefined.


Read more about GET requests with Axios in the official docs.


exports.sourceNodes = async ({ actions }) => {
  const { createNode } = actions;

  const { data } = await axios.get('https://6.demo.plone.org/demo/a-page', {
    headers: {
      accept: "application/json",

  let documentNode = {
    id: data["@id"],
    internal: {
      type: "PloneDocument",
      contentDigest: crypto
      mediaType: "text/html"
    parent: '',
    children: [],

import React from 'react'
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'

import Layout from '../components/layout'

export default ({ data }) => (
    {data.allPloneDocument.edges.map(({ node }) => (
      <div key={node.id}>

export const query = graphql`
  query {
    allPloneDocument {
      edges {
        node {